miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

"Inmaculada Concepción"


Motionless in white- Inmaculate Misconception
Es un video musical donde se critica la forma de ver de los supuestos "católicos" y la forma de como tratan de oprimir a personas que piensan, se visten y creen en cosas diferentes con argumentos como que se irán al infierno y sufrirán eternamente por no creer en su religión,
El motivo principal del vídeo es enseñarle a la gente a creer en si mismas y saber que Dios no controla nuestras vidas,la controlamos nosotros, dejo las palabras de Chris motionless autor de la letra, acerca de esta visión ;

The main idea and main concern of mine was to basically parallel the 2 time periods of our band and all the open minded people in the world's present day life and the time period of Jesus' life and show how similar they are. I wanted to highlight the hypocrisy and hold a mirror up to all the self righteous, Holier-than-thou people and show them how full of shit they are. We have our own beliefs and we aren't afraid to speak out about them, We are not satanists, We have a positive message towards finding self-worth and inner peace, We don't discriminate against ANYONE regardless of the way they look, their faith, sexuality, or race, and believe it or not, I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jesus Christ. Yet despite all these very moral and positive vibes, we are still constantly ripped apart for being who we are. Sounds really similar to what happened to the man the people that criticize us put all their faith in. The difference between myself and Jesus is that he was trying to convince people to believe in him and a higher power (God) to find salvation... Whereas *I'M* trying to convince people to believe in themselves. God does not control your life, YOU do.

My band and Myself are 100% completely aware that NOT ALL Christians or followers of any religion are close minded and do the things they do in this video. I've met SO many awesome people in my travels that are Christians etc.. and regardless of whether they like Motionless In White or not, they still know how to keep an open mind and be respectful. I don't want anyone watching this video to feel like they should be angry towards every person of any faith, or that we are attacking their faith directly. The song is very plainly written about the people who abuse God's name by using it to profit or cause harm to others emotionally or physically, but it's even more importantly written as a call to arms to ANY person in this world to come stand together to fight the ignorance that halts the progression of mankind. Hate me for that, I fucking dare you.

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